Little Rock, Arkansas. 1957

Little Rock, Arkansas. 1957. The young black woman in the foreground is Eliza

beth Eckford and she was just trying to go to school. The demonic sow behind her with rage boiling out of her face is Hazel (Née Bryan) Massery and she didn’t like that Elizabeth was going to be integrated into her all-white school.

You can see the hate, but what you can’t hear are the taunts of the others berating Eckford, including Hazel’s friends Mary Burleson and Sammie Parker, seen on Hazel’s right. “Two, four, six, eight—we don’t want to integrate!”

But it was Hazel that became immortalized for all eternity. 64 years later I’m sure Eckford can still hear Hazel screeching “Go home, nigger! Go back to Africa!”.

Hazel, like George Wallace, later found the error in her ways, not through genuine repentance it seems but, by her own admission, because of what her children would think of her when they saw the infamous picture and heard the story.

Elizabeth ended her ‘friendship’ with Hazel and I can’t help but think it’s because Hazel’s tone and language softened, but Elizabeth knew deep down her ‘friend’ was still the same racist bitch she had always been.

Hazel was asked about the infamous picture in ‘98 and her reaction, I think, tells the tale. She said she never gave the picture much thought. The reaction and the backlash to it, yes.

The folks who tried to prevent a young Elizabeth Eckford from going to school because she was the wrong color in 1957 are the exact same people today; racist white liberals, chief among them a man, running for President, who told a worldwide audience in 2020 “if you can’t decide whether you’re for me or Donald Trump, you ain’t black”. And that would be among the least racist statements the current leader of the democrat party has said in his 50 years of public corruption service.

For the record, it was Democrat Governor Orval Faubus who deployed the Arkansas National Guard to barricade the school to keep Elizabeth out… and it was Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, who sent in the 101st Airborne to break the barricade and escort the Little Rock Nine into Central High School and kept them safe.

Democrats. Racist bastards in 1957. Racist bastards today in 2021.

Know your history folks, because democrats are doing everything in their power to hide their racist history and they need you to be ignorant and gullible so they can stay in power.

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